Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 198 - page 9

reputationasaproviderofvalue-addedservicesandsolutions forvarious industries.
D’Altomare is headquartered inSãoPaulo andhas distribution facilities in the cities
In the interviewwithHenrique Bavoso, director of theUnivar Brazil Business Unit,
available in Portuguese only, he told us all details of the acquisition and about the
company’splansand investments in theBrazilianmarket.
19th Paint&PinturaAwards - Finalists for Paint Industry “Oscar”
in51 categoriescomprising rawmaterials, bestpaint companiesandpersonalitiesof
The 19theditionof thePaint&PinturaAwards,whichwill bepresentedonMay08
at Vilados Ipês, inSãoPaulo, comprise51 categories, 37ofwhich for rawmaterials,
seven forbestpaintcompanies inBrazil, sixpersonalitiesof theyear, and thespecial
category “Master Company”, where the company receiving themost mentions in
differentcategories is recognized.
ThePaint&PinturaSurvey,whichwas initiated inDecember 2014,wasansweredby
companiesandpersonalities they thought stoodout last year,making themfinalists
for the“Oscar”of thepaint industry.
Like every year, the vote for the “Personality of the Year” categories was divided
phase,whichasconcludedonMarch30, determined thepersonalitieswhoexcelled
themost in2014.
Chemical Distribution - Industry Invests in Differentiated Service
Actions to improvecustomer serviceandexpandproduct and serviceportfoliosare
considered key factors for growth in the chemical distributionmarket, andmajor
customer requirementsareaddressed in theprocess.
The chemical andpetrochemical distribution industry, given its own characteristics,
requires companies tobe reallydynamic. Therefore, as part of anongoingprocess,
it fosters advancements by identifying the requirements of their partners on both
theproductionandconsumption sides, according toRubensMedrano, presidentof
Associquim-Sincoquim(short inPortuguese forBrazilianAssociationofChemicaland
Wholesalers). “It’s not a staticmarket, as it’s always in constantmotion. Advances
arealways towards identifyingandmeeting those requirements throughpertinent,
In Brazil’s current political and economic environment, Medrano believes that the
mainthingthatdistributioncompaniesshouldbefocusingon ishowtocopewiththe
uncertaintiesof thisperiod, so thatata laterstage theymayplan for the future.“It’s
hardtoanticipateanytrendforthenextfewyears insuchanadverseenvironment. It
isourconviction thatwehaveseensituations just like thisorevenworsebefore,but
wesubduedthemwithperseveranceandthe industry’sefficientbusinessmanagement
andemergedstrongerwith the lessons learned.”
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