Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 213 - page 11

PAINT&PINTURA | Agosto2016 | 11
paint rollers in size, the fact that they areproduced according
to stringent quality standards, their diversity in colors, and the
fact that they are 100-percent recyclable and reusable. For all
those reasons, theconsumptionofplasticpailsbyBrazil’spaint
industry has been gradually increasing, following the trend in
Investments inmoderntechnologies,moldsandmachineryhave
resulted inmoreversatilecontainers in termsof shapes, accor-
ding toBomix’smarketingdepartment. “Especially rectangular
pails,not tomentioncolors, labelprinting technologiesand lids
thatcommandtrustandpreferencenotonly inthebuildingand
construction industry, but alsoamongendconsumers.”
According toMetal G salesmanager PériclesMartimianoLima,
however, an old paradigm still exists in the Brazilianmarket
concerning packaging containers for paints. “In the global
market, the focus is on plastic packaging products, reflecting
environmental awareness, with 100-percent recyclable contai-
ners. Our Mercosur neighbors already consume more plastic
containers thanmetal ones. For that reason,webelieveweare
gradually increasingourvolumes inthedomesticmarket,asmore
in termsof logistical costsand storage space requirements.”
With its specialty chemical portfolio, ANGUS makes massive
investments in Latin America and pledges tomeet customer
requirements not only with existing products, but also with
newdevelopmentsandsupportfrom itsapplication laboratory.
AUS-based companywith88yearsof business in the industry,
ANGUS (Alberta Natural Gas United States) is recognized for
its portfolio of multifunctional additives focused on providing
solutions for a broad range of applications andmarkets. The
companyhasexperienced its fairshareofchanges inthecourse
of its existence. Itwas acquiredbyAlbertaNatural Gas (US) in
1982, thenacquiredbyDowand turned intooneof itsbusiness
units in1999,andmorerecently, inFebruary2015, itwasacquired
by GoldenGate Capital (GGC), a private equity firmwithmore
than 12billiondollars in investedcapital.
Nowstandingasaseparateentity,ANGUShas lotsofplansand
expectations, all for further increasing its share in theBrazilian
market.“Thepurposeof theGGCdeal istorecapitalize, restruc-
ture and generate substantial business, or, in other words, to
grow the company as awhole. In addition to that acquisition,
the group has invested US$ 26million in the expansion of a
plant in Europe in order to further add to its
capacity. Aiming to deepen its focus onma-
rkets and customers, the grouphas invested
notonly inR&Dwithaneyeonnewproducts,
but also in sixapplication centers around the
world - India, China, theUnited Sates, Brazil,
France and Singapore - that arededicated to
innovation,” says business director for Latin
Engaged in various business segments, such
as paints and coatings, personal care, me-
talworkingfluids, lifesciences, leathergoods,
printing inks and rubber goods, the company
and intends to leverage its growth. “ANGUS’
keypointofdifference is its chemistry, as it is
theworld’sonly companydedicated tonitro-
alkanesand theirderivatives.Theyareunique
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