Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 215 - page 11

coatings industry, motivating the entire supply chain to re-
searchanddevelopenvironmentally friendlier formulations,
according toHugoGardelli, businessmanager at Oxiteno’s
the environmental impacts of their products have been as
seriousaconcernas theirquality.Similarly, solventsuppliers
areconducting thoroughstudies involving thesustainability
ofall itemsthatgo intotheirproduct. Inthisregard,oxygena-
tedsolventshavebeendrawingattention inthemarketplace
because theirchemical composition iscompatiblewithboth
solventandwater-basedtechnologiesand,what’smore, they
performbetterthantraditional solventsonthesustainability
front.Thegreat jobwedosupplyingtheseproductshasbeen
recognizedbyour customers for years and results fromour
consistent investment in innovationandsustainability,which
is focusedon improvingourprocesses, developingclean te-
Thatwholemovement for environment-friendlier products
is going really strong in the new developments from
solvent suppliers. That is what Rhodia is working on,
too. “Our latest innovations relate to growingly using
materials from renewable sources. Our Augeo line of
glycerin derivatives is one of the best examples you
canfindon themarket.Our innovation teams arehard
at work on new products developed from renewable
sources thatwill soonbe available toour customers,”
anticipatesDanielaManique, vicepresidentofsolvents
at theSolvayGroup’sCoatisglobal BusinessUnit.
Dow’s coatingsexpertMayaraCorreagoes as far as to
state thatBrazilhasbeenkeepingupwithall keyglobal
trends for oxygenated solvents, replacing traditional
oneswithalternative solvents thatarebetter suited to
liveup toa set of performance, environmental, safety,
healthandcost requirements, standardsandconcerns.
“Dow stands out in this market for offering a rather
diverse portfolio of solutions that include alcohols,
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