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Julho 2010
Uronal RA 50/50, and Uronal KBC), controlled pot
life, and low yellowing.
Another important trend in this business is repre-
sented by resins curable at low temperatures (energy
saving), highly durable resins for architectural ap-
plications, and resins for matte finish that require
no dry blend.
Launch - Rectangular sophistication
Consistently developing packaging materials for the
paint industry, Bomix innovates once again by intro-
ducing a rectangular container that is much more
practical for paint companies. “Our concern today is
to make a change of concept in the paint industry.
We knew that there was trouble in the marketplace
with the logistics of round containers, as paint sho-
pkeepers and manufacturers need practically twice
as much space to store the product in their facili-
ties compared to the area that the same amount of
paints takes up with rectangular containers, not to
mention that round containers require much higher
stacks. Having that in mind, we made research
efforts to understand what was actually going on,
as we didn’t actually understand the difficulty in the
marketplace,” says Miguel Rosário, chief executive
officer at Bomix.
To reach a solution, Bomix conducted a survey with
paint manufacturers and shopkeepers all over Brazil
and found an answer. “We’ve come to a rather inte-
resting conclusion. The problem is that the palleti-
zation of cans and buckets is done on pallets measu-
ring 1 meter by 1.20 meters. Since the cans measure
25 centimeters, you can put 16 cans on a pallet,
which adds up to 1 meter by 1 meter, and therefore
20 centimeters are wasted. To give an idea, I visited
a customer who owns a warehouse with an area of
approximately 10,000 square meters, and he told me
that if he had to change the can for another kind of
packaging, he would have to build another wa-
rehouse just as big just so he could store the same
number of units,” says Rosário.
From that information, Bomix began the understand
what the real problem was with storage space for
round containers and seek a solution. “We started
to work in conjunction with a foreign mold manu-
facturer. Through that partnership, in six months
we succeeded in coming up with a packaging design
that would fit 16 rectangular buckets on a pallet,
which is the same quantity as cans. However, we
had a hard time making that packaging material
with same height as a can, for the same 18 liters
and still have a little clearance left to prevent pro-