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Novembro 2011
port and sponsorship from the
companies that embraced it.
The following manufacturers
participated and backed up the
forum: AFE Tintas, Tintas Águia,
Apollo Tintas, Argalit, Colorcril,
Colores, Cromos, Ellus Tintas,
Ibratin, Iguaçu, International
(AkzoNobel), Marfim, Nena
Química, Star & Koris, Tintas
Jumbo and Liarte. Sponsors: Bo-
mix, Cabot, DL Color, Eastman,
Lanxess, MAST, Miracema Nuo-
dex, Moinho Pirâmide, Netzsch,
Tríplice Cor and Tygo.
Plastic Packaging –
Innovative by vocation
Celebrating 15 years of existen-
ce, Bomix focuses on actual cus-
tomer and market requirements
to develop and provide the most
suitable packaging solutions.
Bomix’s history is closely related
to the rise of plastic packaging
materials in the domestic paint
market. And this is no accident.
It is justified by the company’s
commitment to introduce new
technologies, whether in pro-
duction or printing, which
has led the plastic packaging
segment to thrive in Brazil. In
other words, if plastic packa-
ging materials are much more
accepted today, then the inno-
vations introduced by Bomix
have certainly had a great in-
fluence on the process of getting
The company has always had a
quite clear goal: to provide the
market with multiple options in
plastic packaging models and
sizes, combined with multiple
printing techniques, including
silkscreen, offset, in mold label,
heat transfer and, most recen-
tly, digital heat transfer, so that
customers can pick those which
best fit their needs. Bomix also
invests in equipment, training
and production management in
order to ensure the high qua-
lity of its containers. “We test
new products all the time, using
state-of-the-art resources,” says
Bomix’ President Miguel Rosário.
Industry in the Spotlight -
Special colors
True Color, an importer and dis-
tributor of metallic, organic and
inorganic pigments to the paint,
plastic and textile industries,
has opened its new headquar-
ters in Atibaia, São Paulo, which
comprises the company’s offices,
warehouse and new laboratory,
from which customers will be
provided with technical services.
The company started planning
on purchasing its new head-
quarters in 2009, but it was
not before October 2010 that
the plan was put to action.
“We spent one and a half years
looking for new facilities, and
when we found it, it was only a
large industrial structure. We
studied the project, and last Oc-
tober we begin to customize the
new facility,” says André Cabral
Martins, Business Manager at
True Color.
In choosing the location, True
Color’s strategy was to aim for
easier deliveries. Today, True
Color is located in an area of
1,500 square meters and ready
to provide customers with pro-
ducts and services from there.
“We invested around R$ 500,000
in our new facility, especially
the laboratory, as we didn’t
have one before, and now we
can provide our customers with
application services. In princi-
ple, the testing methodologies
that we are going to use are
from the companies Schlenk,
based in Germany, and Trust,
from China. Towards that end,
True Color’s own technician will
fly to those countries to esta-
blish an interchange of know-
ledge and technology. In fact,
I’ve already placed a prelimi-
nary order for some pieces of
equipment which will be used in
such laboratories, as our idea is
to provide a service as though
we were in Germany or China,
with the same quality level, but
in a rather expedited manner,”
says Martins, adding that the
laboratory will be completed by
the end of this year.
True Color’s laboratory will not
take care of quality control, but
will focus on applications. “The
quality control activities are
performed by our represented
companies Schlenk and Trust,
which are certified under ISO
9000, and we are confident in
the quality of their products. We
want our laboratory to focus on
creating new effects and colors
and supporting some specific
applications, such as automo-
tive and protective coatings,
plastics and printing inks,
The company’s personnel has
also grown, and now True Color
has 20 employees. “We’ve hired
new employees for the warehou-
se area and to improve our
internal structure as part of the
investments we have made with
a view to imparting improved
quality to our customer service
and to expanding our business,”
Martins Points out.