Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 189 - page 12

ofwhether it’s on thegoodor bad sideof the curve, somuch so thatwehave just
created theCenter for IntelligenceandKnowledge (CIC, inPortuguese)of thepaint
industry and invited several of its professionals to be part of this, which that will
producemarket studies thatwill certainly contribute to your companies’ decision-
-makingandstrategicplanningprocesses.Thefirstof them isthestudyweputtoge-
ther concerning themarket fordecorativepaints inSouthAmerica.Wealso remain
firm believers in all of the industry’s events. In fact, we’ve just participated in the
AmericanCoatingsShow, inAtlanta,Georgia (USA), a trade show thathasgrowna
lot. There, we realized theAmericanmarket is starting to recover, and companies
are resuming their investment in the industry.Wewereveryproud tobe thereand
setuptheBrazilianflagalongwithothercompanies fromBrazil.Wearealsobacking
Feitintas,whichwill certainlybe a successful event andhelp to further strengthen
themarket. Wewill also keep on holding our regional forums. We’ve already had
them inFortaleza, Ceará, inMarch, andCriciúma, SantaCatarina, inMay, andwe’re
going toholdmore forums inGuarulhos, SãoPaulo, inAugust, RibeirãoPreto, São
Paulo, inSeptember, andGoiânia, Goiás, inOctober.”
Toconclude, BarrosNetomentioned the importanceof thePaint&PinturaSurvey.
“The survey is very representative of the industry and has become increasingly
national, as thenumberof respondents increaseseachyear, asdoes thenumberof
people coming fromother states toattendour event, andweeven receiveprofes-
sionals fromabroad. This is all a cause for a lot of pride tous.”
Theeventwas closedby a showby singerDomPaulinhoLima,whoparticipated in
the second seasonof “TheVoiceBrazil”,whichairson theGlobonetworkchannel.
Great TurnoutatPaint&Pintura Forum in Londrina
Atthe15thPaint&PinturaCoatingsTechnologyandManagementForum, intheSouth
region,whichhad 109 registeredattendees from thepaintandcoatings industry, the
paint companiesbased in the regionhadanopportunity towatch technical lectures
provided bymajor companies of their supply chain, such as Lubrizol, Braschemical,
Intertank,WanaQuímica, andMAST, aswell asmanagement-related lectures.
The opening plenary session, on the theme “Brazilian Paint Market: An Overview
of 2013 andProspects for 2020 in the South”, was conductedby FranciscoRacz, an
independent consultant on coatings and related business areas, especially in Latin
America. In his lecture, he presented segment information on the Brazilianmarket
forpaints for 2013, includinghowfigureshaveevolvedover thepast several years.A
linkwas established between the development of themarket andmacroeconomic
factors, especiallyan increase inpurchasingpower. Thepresentationalso includeda
projection for the relevantmarkets inBrazil and the southern states for 2020.
Thefirst technical lecture, on the theme“PerformanceAdditives&Resins forWood
The lecturewas intendedtoshowcaseLubrizol’sexistingandnewtechnologiesforthe
market inwoodcoatings.Thesetechnologies includesurface-modifyingwaxplatforms
(for properties likematting and scratch/abrasion resistance), hyper dispersants (for
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