Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 211 - page 13

MAST Comercial, prompted by structural requirements
and its need formore space. To that end, the company
wentsofarasto lookforotherareas inwhichtobuildnew
facilities,but,as itturnedout,stayingatthesameaddress
inSantoAndré, SãoPaulo, proved tobe thebest choice.
Thewhole of theMAST Group’s facilities were renova-
ted to high standards in order to receive domestic and
PresidentMarcoStorel.“Thewarehousewasturned into
the laboratory forMASTLab.Thefloor that thesalesand
management staff used to occupy now houses just the
management team and a leisure space, aswell asMAST
Serviços.On thenew topfloor,weput the sales,marke-
tingand importationteamsfortherestoftheoperation.”
After the 20th anniversaryof thebusiness, its president
decided to give it a face lift. “We understood that it
would bemuchmore appropriate for us to havemore
solid facilities to show, built to a higher standard and
more consistentwith the kindof productwe sell, aswe
are inahigh-techbusiness. In thepast twoweeks,we’ve
received the creamof the coatings industryhere.We’ve
been visitedby presidents ofmajor domestic and inter-
nationalcompanies,andtheywere impressedbyournew
facilities,”Storel cheerfully says.
It’s been a very important investment for the company.
“Today our facilities built to that standard cover 1,050
squaremeters. Thereare still a fewdetails to complete,
butnoneof themareessential toouroperation.We still
need tosortout the landscaping,asecuritysystemanda
leisurearea,whichareprobablygoingtobecompleted in
the secondhalf of this year.Now, our facilitiesdon’t fall
behind thoseof anymultinationals to thehighstandard,
solidstructuredandhigh technologywe’ve invested in,”
Storel reveals.
The entire renovationwas expected to extend for 10 to
12months,buttherewasadelay,and itwascompleted in
19months. “Wemoved into thenewbuilding in January
of this year, but itwasn’t all finished, sowehad towork
in themiddleof the renovationworks, andeven though
that somewhat disturbed the operation, it just wasn’t
worth doing business from two different addresses, as
we rented some space for the renovation period, and
bearing thecostof thatwasunfeasible.Accordingly,we
decided tomove into our space earlier, unfinished as it
was,”Storel concludes.
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