Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 211 - page 9

we’re attaining 20 years of hard work, fighting the good
fight, and I am pleasantly surprised by the attendance at
the event tonight given the tough patch that the country
is going through. Fortunately, however, we’ve seen a sig-
nificant growth in attendance, which demonstrates the
strength andmaturity of the industry andhowbusinesses
want to takepart in theevent andengage in thisexchange
of information and experiences.”
Asa further attraction, theevent featured theNewsTimes
Band,whoadded to theexcitementwith theirgreatquality
At the end of the event, Agnelo Editora also drew lots
for two trips. The first, for all of thosewho answered the
Paint & Pintura survey, was a weekend for two at Casa
GrandeHotel Resort & Spa, inGuarujá, SãoPaulo, won by
Sayerlack laboratory supervisorAntonioCarlosDiasSlanzi.
The second, forboth survey respondentsandattendeesat
thePaint&PinturaAwards,was aweekend for twoat San
Raphael Country Hotel, located in Itu, São Paulo, won by
Valdecir JoséMoldes Testa, a chemist atMegh.
New developments in surfactants favor the develo-
pment of multipurpose technologies with a strong
Fit for several applications in paints and coatings,
surfactants primarily act as wetting agents for fillers,
pigments, dispersants and other formulation ingre-
dients. “Surfactantsplay the roleof stabilizingmineral
fillers, pigments and resin in thewater-basedmedium,
while keeping their rheological properties, such as le-
veling and adhesion to the substrate, appropriate for
eachapplication.When functioningproperly inapaint
formulation, the surfactant will prevent application
problems, suchasflocculation,gloss loss, colorchange
and snail-trails, aswell as settling and leveling proble-
ms,” says Cassio Rubinati, sales manager, Coatings &
Construction, at Clariant LatinAmerica.
According to Rubinati, for every kind of paint there is
a more suitable surfactant to promote compatibility
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