Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 212 - page 10

| PAINT&PINTURA | Julho2016
use of activated coal to treat process water, effluents
and reusewater.
The titleofCarbonoQuímica’s lecturewas“Distributing
Trust!”, featuring director Rodrigo João Gabriel, who
made an introduction to Carbono as a distributor of
aliphaticandaromatic solventsandother rawmaterials
for thepaint andcoatings industry.
Fabriciano Pinheiro, technical director at Intertox and
alsoabiomedicalengineerfrom IB-UNESP/Botucatuand
Master of Toxicology and Toxicological Analyses from
FCF/USP, presented the lecture“Scope, Legislationand
Impact of GHS, FISPQ and Labeling”, emphasizing the
Toclose the forum, IvanRigolettopresented the lecture
“WhatSustainabilityMeans intheCoatings Industry”.He
isachemicalengineerfromUnicampspecializing inoccu-
pationalsafetyengineering,withamaster’sdegree incivil
engineering, anMBA degree in business management
and a doctorate inmechanical engineering. Rigoletto
coordinated theBrazilianAssociationof PaintManufac-
turers’ CoatingsCareprogrambetween2002and2015.
In September of 2015, Bayer Material Science was
renamed Covestro. Despite the change, none of the
products thatwereeither under development or being
introducedhavebeenaffected.Those includePasquick,a
for surfaceprotection.
Oneof itspointsofdifference isthefactthatthepainted
areacanbefreeduprapidly,as it isafast-dryingproduct.
In fact, the name “Pasquick” is a combination of the
Contrarytothethreecoatstypicallyused inconventional,
heavy-duty coating systems,withPasquickall youneed
is a basecoat and a topcoat. This reduction, however,
has no negative effects on the quality of the film: the
totalcoatingthickness isunchanged,providingexcellent
protection fromwaterandotherenvironmental influen-
ces. “Eliminating one of the coating steps saves time
and labor costs. Consider a paint job on a surface that
ishard toaccess, suchas anoffshore rig. The faster the
application, thebetter,” remarks Covestro’s laboratory
When you compare the price for a pound of Pasquick
to thatof adirectlyor indirectlycompeting solvent, the
notonlythecostofthatchemical,butalso laborcosts indoing
themath.“WithPasquick, the jobsite isfreedupmuchfaster.
bestcost-benefitratio.Youalsoneedtotake intoaccountthe
time that thepainter spendson the job,which is significantly
shorter to addproductivity. Themore productive, themore
cost-effectivetheprocess is.Oneotherbenefit istheabilityto
turnoutextremely low-VOCproducts,whichreducestranspor-
tationandstoragecosts,whilecausingnodamage tohuman
healthor theenvironment.”
June 20, 2016 saw the industry lose agreat professional and
us, at Paint & PinturaMagazine, lose one of the creators of
this publication that is strongly recognized and renowned in
thepaint andcoatings industry: SérgioÁvila.
A co-worker and friend, Sérgio spent long years with us at
devotedprofessional andachampionofsuccessful ideasand
projects, Sérgio lefthisbrandon thevariousnewsoutletshe
served inthecourseofhiscareer,suchasthenewspaperDiário
Popular (currentlyDiáriodeSãoPaulo) and industry-specific
publishing houses. In late 1994, he joined Agnelo de Barros
Neto to establish Ávila-Agnelo Editora, which created the
zine,projects thathave revolutionized thepaintandcoatings
market inBrazilwith innovative ideasandeventuallywonover
the industry, becoming leaders in the segments theycover.
Theboardof directorsappointed for the2016-2019periodat
Sitivesp(short forUnionofSãoPauloStatePaintandCoating
Manufacturers)was inauguratedonJune1stattheFIESP(São
PauloState IndustriesFederation)headquarters. FIESPpresi-
dentPauloSkaftookanactivepart intheceremony,personally
interactingwithall of those inattendance.
AccordingtoSkaf,Sitivesprepresentsavery importantsector
of theeconomy, as it ispartof thebuildingandconstruction
supplychain. “It’saserious institution thathasonlyprovided
quality services over somany years. There are great contri-
butors in this house, and so I’m really happy to be able to
behere andgive ahugnot only toNarciso, but also to all of
The ceremony began with a speech from Paulo Henrique
Schoueri, director of FIESP’s UnionDepartment and Service
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