Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 212 - page 9

PAINT&PINTURA | Julho2016 | 9
Paint companieshavebeen in themarket forbulkcontainers
because they are sustainable solutions, as they aremade of
reusablematerialsand thereforehavea lesser impacton the
red for transportingflammable fluids, according toRentank
production supervisor Cristiano de Araújo. “Bulk containers
are nowmade of noblematerials, such as AISI 304 stainless
steel,featuringtorisphericalheadsforeasedrainageand lower
lossofmaterial atfilling,whilebeingprovenandcertified for
Plasticbulkcontainers for 1,000 litersarestill incipienton the
Brazilianmarket, according toSchützVasitexchiefexecutive
officer Luiz Francisco da Cunha. “Many businesses have yet
to conduct an in-depth reviewof their supply chains, so that
they can identify all of the advantages and benefits they
canobtain. Plastic bulk containers reduce the complexity of
operations, ensure greater safety, improve productivity and
reduce costs, whether fixed, such as labor, inventories and
overall infrastructure,orvariable,suchasfreightsand internal
movements, while beingmore sustainable, as they enable
the implementation of reverse logistics not only thanks to
the savings securedby their reuse, but also in that theywill
either comply with environmental regulations or mitigate
theenvironmental risksassociatedwith improperdisposalof
Worldwide, however, plastic bulk containers are well esta-
blished as the best for such industrial applications as those
mentionedabove, according toCunha. “InBrazil,webelieve
the crisis is a factor that will actually foster critical analyses
atbusinessesand lead tomigration tousingbulkcontainers,
which in turn will bring about growth. We’ve noticed that
phenomenon not only in our own results, but also in coun-
tless projects in progress that are implementing the use of
bulk containers to replaceother container typeswhichhave
beenhistoricallyused in segments thathaveneverusedbulk
containers in theirdistributionactivities.”
For the 25thPaint&PinturaCoatings Technology andMana-
June09atRoyalPalmPlazaResort, inCampinas,SãoPaulo,a
specialprogramwasputtogetherwith lecturesonvariedsub-
jectsandmajornewdevelopmentsoccurring inthe industry in
terms ofmarket development, formulations, legislation and
sustainability.With197registeredattendees, itwasasurprising
event from theoutsetdue to the largecrowd ithaddrawn.
At the openingplenary session “BrazilianCoatingsMa-
Yamaga&ConsultoresAssociados, the recentevolution
of thecoatingsmarket inBrazil, in itsvarious segments,
was presented and discussed, including a brief, overall
projectionof volumes for thenext fewyears.
On the theme “Properties of a Good Paint Dispersion
Priscila Lomas de Godoy Secomandi, a representative
of The Chemours Company’s technical service group,
variables in thepaint andcoatings formulationprocess.
At the lecture “Silicone Additives and Preservatives
for Paint Manufacturers in Brazil”, RicardoMatos, of
Brenntag, ÉvertonMarion,ofDowCorning, andFernan-
doMesquita, of DowMicrobial Control, demonstrated
that, following the trends and needs in themarket for
architectural coatings, products areavailablewhichare
key todevelopingunique formulations.
“NewRedBayferroxPigments:TheMostSaturated Iron
OxideRedsEverProduced”wasthethemeforthe lecture
delivered by Nitemar Vieira, of Lanxess’ business and
productdevelopmentgroup for LatinAmerica.
Another extremely important themewas addressedby
the lecture “Comparison of Biopolymers and Synthetic
Polymers in1Kand2KCoatings,”presentedbytheCoim’s
The themes discussed in the afternoon period inclu-
ded “Polyurethanes and Polyaspartics: Efficiency and
Advantages of Low-VOC Systems”, addressed by Ana
“quantiQ Solutions for Specialty Chemicals” was the
lecturegivenbyquantiQ’s technical coordinator Sergio
Rubio, who presented a pigment dispersion solutions
package, includinga lineofhyperdispersants fromDoxa
and auxiliary solvents for dispersion and amino-alcohol
fromAngus. For decorative paints, he demonstrated a
new neutralizer from quantiQ’s represented company
Wacker,aswellasproductsdesigned toproduce formu-
vinyl resins fromWacker.
Cabot participatedwith the lecture“ActivatedCoal –A
Sustainable Profile”, delivered by Pedro Paixão, appli-
cationsmanager for SouthAmerica,whodiscussed the
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