Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 213 - page 12

| PAINT&PINTURA |Agosto2016
and proprietary molecules and specialties designed to
enhanceperformancewithmultifunctional properties,”
A consulting firm specializing in the implementation of
ISO 9001 quality management systems and in product
certification,Qualycertservesseveralcompanies inthe in-
Qualycert started out in 2014 providing consulting
serviceson the implementationof ISO9001 qualityma-
nagement systems and on product certification. “We
set up thebusinesswith thegoal ofmeetingademand
frompaint and coatings companies thatwere trying to
improve thequality of their products. In fact, 2014 saw
INMETRO (short in Portuguese for National Institute
ofMetrology) publish apublic inquiry for the voluntary
great interest fromseveral businessmen in the industry,
leadingustocreateand implementqualitymanagement
systems consistent with that agency’s requirements,”
saysdirector JamilleSelestrim.
Currently, notonlydoesQualycert serveseveral compa-
nies inthe industry, italsohasanumberofcertifiedclients
all over Brazil, according to Jamille. “We’reworking at
the implementationofQMSs tomeet the requirements
ofOrdinance529, aswell as theadjustmentofproducts
to technical standards, having also implemented ISO
9001 quality management systems in all segments of
Following a global trend towards using zero-VOC raw
are a solid reality inBrazil. “The technology applied in
the formulation and production of these emulsified
polymers enables us migrate from organic solvent-
-based systems to water-based systems, all without
formulatingproducts up to international regulations,”
says Diógenes de Lima Silva, product steward, Resins
Silva remarks that ASKChemicals has been expanding
and urea resins from its Arobras line, aswell as its Askofen
lineofphenolic resins, and focusingonzero-VOCalkyd resin
emulsionsfrom itsNecowel line.“Arobras isanextensive line
of short,mediumand long-oil andphenolicalkyd resins that
meet the requirements of their various market applicants
with high performance. We can name the Arobras 8083
extra fast-dryingphenolic-alkyd resin, which features great
adhesionandhardnessand lesssensitivitytosolventsduring
the settingof solids ina formulation.”
Anotherhighlight istheNecowel lineofzero-VOCalkyd resin
emulsions. “Theproduct rangedeveloped for theNecowel
line is rather broad and comprehensive,meeting the requi-
rements of all sorts for formulations, including decorative
paints and automotive refinish or industrial coatings. The
highlightsfromthis line includeNecowel5100,arheologically
modified resin for decorative paint formulations for metal
andwood substrates featuring great spreading properties
whenappliedbypaintbrushorpaint roller, fastdrying, high
gloss andgreat adhesion,”Silvapointsout.
Several entrepreneurs came together on July5 for theope-
ningofthefirstdecorativepaint laboratory inthestateofRio
de Janeiro, located at the Senai Institute of Environmental
Technology (IST). The resultofapartnershipbetweenSenai
and theUnion of PaintManufacturers in the City of Rio de
Janeiro (known for shortasSintirj), the initiative isgoingas-
sistpaintmanufacturers inobtainingvoluntary certification
from Inmetro (short inPortuguese forNational Instituteof
Metrology, Quality and Technology), which attests to the
qualityof their products.
The labwill runmore than 20 types of tests for economy,
standardandpremiumpaints,aswellas levelingcompounds,
varnishes, standardandpremiumsyntheticenamels,andoil-
-basedpaints.Analysis leadtimesareexpectedtobereduced
from60days - the estimated time for orders sent toother
states - to fewer than 15 days. “It’s an initiative that plays
a major role in developing the paint and coatings market
in the state of Rio, Brazil’s second largestmarket. The fact
thatwehad tosendpaint samples toSãoPaulowasacostly
drawbackformanufacturersduetothe longertime itusedto
takethemtogettheir test results,” remarksSintirjpresident
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